You don't have to tolerate the pain and discomfort of varicose veins, nor keep your legs hidden behind long pants or dark stockings because you're embarrassed by the dark and bulging veins in your legs.
Dr. David Laird and Dr. Daniel Day remove unsightly and painful varicose veins with the VNUS Closure Procedure. VNUS closure is minimally invasive, done at our clinic for your convenience, cosmetically appealing (with less pain and bruising), covered by most insurance plans and easier on patients. Patients usually walk out of the clinic after having VNUS Closure and can be at work the next day.
"The pain and swelling caused by varicose veins is life altering," says Dr. Day. "Untreated, they can cause edema and significant wound-healing problems." Veins carry blood back to the heart. Varicose veins can occur when valves in the saphenous vein don't do their jobs correctly; instead of pushing the blood to the heart, incompetent or leaking valves allow some of the blood to flow backwards and pool up or collect in the lower legs.
The VNUS Closure Procedure uses radio frequency catheters. The in-office procedure works for patients who have superficial venous reflux, which is where the values in veins become damaged or diseased. Catheters are inserted to close and seal the damaged vein. The vein is then heated by radio frequency energy, causing the collagen in the vein wall to shrink and close. Eventually, the body reabsorbs the bad vein, and blood is rerouted to healthy veins. The procedure works on the major veins causing the problem; by sealing the veins causing the underlying problem, other bad veins decompose and go away.
The patient is given a mild sedative and local anesthetic. The doctor treats one leg at a time. The doctors normally do this procedure on Fridays, giving patients the weekend to take it easy on their legs before returning to work. After having the procedure, patients are scheduled for a follow-up ultrasound to make sure blood is not clotting and veins are sealed and healing properly.