
Isaac Clinic - Day 1 & 2

It is Friday at about 6:30 pm in Kampala. I posted an entry this morning but with the spotty internet, it did not load in time and was lost. That’s okay. I will give a recap on the past two days.

Thursday we had the dedication service for the Isaac Clinic. It was a sweet morning. The pastor, medical staff, and board went to great efforts to honor God and celebrate His faithfulness in many ways in the Waikiso community. The children sang and recited a poem that had been written about our Isaac. There was a ribbon cutting, prayer and cake. For Danny and I it was a rich time of remembering how God has blessed and taught us during Isaac’s short life and since.

One of the primary lessons we began to learn during the season of Isaac’s life and after is the hope that we as believers have in Heaven. The idea of this earth as temporary and Eternity as our home began to give us comfort in the early days of grieving the death of our first born. We both pray that those who are treated at Isaac Clinic will be drawn to a saving faith in Christ and have the same hope of Eternity. After the celebration we quickly began to set up the clinic for our first official day of service.

We saw 77 people in the second half of the first day after the dedication was over. We are here with a team of two other physicians and many nurses. Additionally, there are some of us who are non- medical who are doing children’s activities, working in the pharmacy (me), and helping with triage. We are also distributing eyeglasses and sharing the gospel. There are also some very sharp Ugandan nurses and med students who have come to serve with the clinic staff and our Tennessee for the week.

Today we began with a short worship at the church and then clinic. The children sang again today. Danny is going to try to post a short video. It is such a sweet thing to hear them sing. Despite so many cultural differences, in church when we are singing, I am touched by the sense of closeness I feel with these people. I do believe it is a small glimpse at what we will one day enjoy in Heaven.

We saw 137 people today by 4:30p. There were children who came to be seen by themselves. Often we saw entire families. Almost everyone who came were prescribed meds and received them from our pharmacy. I think all of them came on foot despite the unseasonable rain.  It is a blessing to be able to offer such a tangible and valued service. It is also a privilege to know that as we love them we are also sharing with them a glimpse of the hope that can be theirs in Christ.

It is a blessing to be here with these hardworking people. If you feel lead here are a few ways to pray:

  1. Pray for relationships with the medical staff and church leaders. Danny and I hope that God allows us to be involved here for years. We have much to learn and many neat folks we want to know better.
  2. Pray for people to see and be drawn to Christ.
  3. Pray for health. A few of our group of 23 Tennessee group have had nausea and vomiting.  

Isaac Clinic - Day 1 & 2

It is Friday at about 6:30 pm in Kampala. I posted an entry this morning but with the spotty internet, it did not load in time and was lost. That’s okay. I will give a recap on the past two days.

Thursday we had the dedication service for the Isaac Clinic. It was a sweet morning. The pastor, medical staff, and board went to great efforts to honor God and celebrate His faithfulness in many ways in the Waikiso community. The children sang and recited a poem that had been written about our Isaac. There was a ribbon cutting, prayer and cake. For Danny and I it was a rich time of remembering how God has blessed and taught us during Isaac’s short life and since.

One of the primary lessons we began to learn during the season of Isaac’s life and after is the hope that we as believers have in Heaven. The idea of this earth as temporary and Eternity as our home began to give us comfort in the early days of grieving the death of our first born. We both pray that those who are treated at Isaac Clinic will be drawn to a saving faith in Christ and have the same hope of Eternity. After the celebration we quickly began to set up the clinic for our first official day of service.

We saw 77 people in the second half of the first day after the dedication was over. We are here with a team of two other physicians and many nurses. Additionally, there are some of us who are non- medical who are doing children’s activities, working in the pharmacy (me), and helping with triage. We are also distributing eyeglasses and sharing the gospel. There are also some very sharp Ugandan nurses and med students who have come to serve with the clinic staff and our Tennessee for the week.

Today we began with a short worship at the church and then clinic. The children sang again today. Danny is going to try to post a short video. It is such a sweet thing to hear them sing. Despite so many cultural differences, in church when we are singing, I am touched by the sense of closeness I feel with these people. I do believe it is a small glimpse at what we will one day enjoy in Heaven.

We saw 137 people today by 4:30p. There were children who came to be seen by themselves. Often we saw entire families. Almost everyone who came were prescribed meds and received them from our pharmacy. I think all of them came on foot despite the unseasonable rain.  It is a blessing to be able to offer such a tangible and valued service. It is also a privilege to know that as we love them we are also sharing with them a glimpse of the hope that can be theirs in Christ.

It is a blessing to be here with these hardworking people. If you feel lead here are a few ways to pray:

  1. Pray for relationships with the medical staff and church leaders. Danny and I hope that God allows us to be involved here for years. We have much to learn and many neat folks we want to know better.
  2. Pray for people to see and be drawn to Christ.
  3. Pray for health. A few of our group of 23 Tennessee group have had nausea and vomiting.